Savings accountsOpening a savings account has never been easier! With our app you can sort your savings when you want, .
where you want

Are you saving, buying or growing?
We’ve got what you’re looking for. All of our products are designed to be simple, straightforward and hassle-free. And because we don’t have to fork out for expensive branches, we can offer you better rates.

Save up to 4.80% AER with our savings products
At least one of our products was in the top 5 of the best buy table for a total of 47 weeks in 2024. Whether you need easy access to your money with an Instant Saver or you’re in it for the long haul with a Fixed Saver, you’ll find an account to suit your needs. And, our products are all protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Discover our savings range

Fast, straightforward mortgages
We offer competitive rates, advice on what’s best for you through our independent brokers and a process you can follow step-by-step, all in app.
Show me moreAll on your mobile
Take your savings and mortgages with you wherever you are, 24/7.
We’ve done away with fiddly keypads and instead use your face and voice as your password. Simple. After all, we’re all about you.